badminton je

Peter Gade řeší zranění

peter gade badmintonEvropská jednička a hrající legenda badmintonu Peter Gade řeší zranění, které mu nedovolilo dohrát Swiss open 2012. Peter Gade přijde pravděpodobně o pozici světové čtyřky, jeho místo tak zaujme Chen Jin – celkový vítěz turnaje a tím se i kvalifikuje jako třetí hráč Číny ve dvouhře mužů na OH Londýn 2012. Peter Gade uvádí ke svému současnému stavu (prohlášení v angličtině): 

"In yesterday’s match, once again my right foot made trouble for me. During the 1st set against Eric, I experienced pain again and even though I won the match, my foot had a bad reaction after the game. I wanted to get a good night of sleep before making any decision towards pulling out. But this morning I didn’t have many doubts about having to withdraw from the tournament. When my foot’s condition is like this, then it would make no sense to continue. I’m back in Denmark now, and of course really frustrated about the way that the last two weeks turned out. For now, I’ll do what I can to make this injury better soon and get back in normal training. If I can do that within the next week this will have no long term effects on my preparations towards the Olympics. My battle against Chen Jin for the number 4 spot will have a second priority in this situation… I just hope I can be back strong for the European Championships in 3 weeks,”

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