badminton je

Jan O Jorgensen znovu proti LCW

jan o jorgensen

Nejlep??mu hr??i Evropy Jan O Jorgensenovi z D?nska, nep?eje ?t?st?. ?Zase narazil v r?mci turnaje Supers?rie Maybank Malaysia Open 2014 (foto Badmin?tonphoto) na sv?tovou jedni?ku Lee Chong Wei – tentokr?t v semifin?le. V druh?m setu semifin?lov?ho z?pasu musel Jan vzd?t, podrobnosti zjist?me. Na vz?jemn? z?pasy je to ji? 10:1 ve prosp?ch LCW. Jan m?l turnaj v?born? rozjet?, je?t? r?no p?ed ?utk?n?m napsal na sv?j profil:

„Hey guys.. Just a quick update before my semifinal later. As you can guess i won my quarterfinal yesterday against upcoming japanese guy, Kento Momota. He is one to watch at the moment. Again i struggled in many parts of the game and couldnt get my speedy and attacking game going the way i wanted. With a bit of luck and hard work i took in two sets. Anyway im really happy to stand in another semifinal. Im up against LCW again today, and i must say im tired of losing to this guy – so of course i will try my very best to take him today! Thanks for support and messages! “

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