badminton je

Mistr v?ech mistr? je zp?t


Velmi dobrou zpr?vou pro cel? badmintonov? sv?t je, ?e Lin Dan se vrac? zp?t do treninkov?ho procesu a b?hem dvou m?s?c? p?edpokl?d? i n?vrat na sv?tov? turnaje!

„?My goal is to be back in the international circuit and try to win ranking points to allow me to play in big competitions,. I will first train in Lingshui for 28 days and then return to competition, but my main goal is to upgrade my ranking position,? said the Chinese star, who is currently world number 103.“

Lin Dan naposled startoval v srpnu 2013 na MS, na divokou kartu. Mistrovstv? vyhr?l, kdy? ve fin?le porazil Lee Chong Weie.

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